Thursday, January 17, 2008

American Idol Season 7 Milo Turk No Sex Allowed

Now this was perhaps one of the highlights of the first American Idol Season 7 audition screened on Tuesday night. Self-proclaimed social worker Milo Turk forced his way into the show and insisted on singing his self-penned song for the judges and to the world as he needed to bring his message across to the world which he claims to be in danger of spiralling towards depravity and you can catch the great big funny when he sings his song "No Sex Allowed". While this season of American Idol has relied on the same old gimmicks to generate interest, you must say that it usually works, especially when you rely on nutters and crazies like Milo Turk, as well as the occasional angry white thrash like the vet wanna be who swore to prove to the world what she had after being rejected by the American Idol judges. There was also the pre-requisite lame Asian man who can't sing and the howling banshees who believe they are the next divas or Mariah Carey.

However, Milo Turk really takes the piss on American Idol and you wonder how the man can be a social worker, but of course we don't really know he is one for sure. He just says he is. Hopefully he isn't because he looks more like a depraved pervert than someone who knows how to care for those in need.

But guess what? Milo Turk is actually a professional comedian and it appears that American Idol is now a growing popular hotbed for wanna be comedians trying to make it big but even funnier is that Milo Turk has made it to the big time before. But I thought he wasn't really that funny, more like lame.

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