This week American Idol season 7 finally goes to Hollywood, with 164 contestants heading to the next round of auditions thinking they know what they're in for but Ryan Seacrest disagrees and welcomes us to Hollywood. And clean cut Brooke White she of the no sex no movies no frills persona is up first on show and introduces us to instrumentation for the contestants for the first time in the first round of American Idol's Hollywood auditions. She plays Beautiful and that's what she looks like as well as a ride to the final day of Hollywood. And by the way all that crap about this being the first American Idol season to allow instruments was just so untrue - it has been allowed before in the past.
Next you have Lorena Pinot as an example of an easy 'No' from the judges as she could not sing and was decked out in a cheesy outfit that was so passe. Amy Flynn was also cut after the second round as she could not hit the high notes. Maybe some sex would do her good. Do we need to know more of those who were dropped? I really thought not as well.
So let's talk about the ones who did get through to the next round. Before that a tip to American Idol wannabes - stay away from playing your instruments if you want to get through. They want singers, not instrumentalists. Like Randy Jackson said "Just sing next time, baby" and that's what all of you should do.
David Hernandez took that up and he was great. Nice smooth voice and showed more of what he could do vocally compared to his San Diego auditions. It sounded effortless as well with his little vocal gymnastics. Definitely one to look out for in the finals David Hernandez. The only thing that might stop him are his nerves. Sure did not look confident before and even after.
Rock and roll nurse Amanda Overmyer showed quality in the earlier auditions and came up with her own sob story before Hollywood, saying how she totaled her car one week before and suffered some injuries including 12 staples in her head but could she still sing? Did you all notice how much Simon Cowell loves Amanda - he winks at her all the time. We know Simon's taste in women but you never realised how much of a nurse fetish he had. Honestly though, I don't dig Amanda Overmyer at all. She'll suffer in other genres other than rock or non-angsty songs. And Simon Cowell echoed what I thought. Great minds think alike.
No sign of Kristy Lee Cook yet.
Little gerbil and Brit wannabe Josiah Leming would never be American Idol simply because he doesn't think he's American and the worst news would befall him when he gets to the final round. He could set up his own Brit pop band though and that might get him a record deal with Randy Jackson. Spare a thought for him though - he tried too hard and a real heartbreaker really. But Ramiele Malubay would be in the stakes for a long while - you can be sure the Filipino community would be voting like crazy for this little girl. Some other potential finalists would be Michael Lee Johns and Carly Smithson who looks like making up for lost time. It looks like this year might be the year of the gruff voice and rocker chicks as we have quite a number of these getting through, including David Cook and Robbie Carrico. Perhaps American Idol season 7 might see the revival of Chris Daughtry version 2.
Cataldo did not make it through to the final round of Hollywood auditions. You could see his true self emerging on this episode of American Idol. All that gangster attitude just flowing out.
Kristy Lee Cook finally makes an appearance and redid her Amazing Grace acapella that finally got her through. Not a good sign that she needed two rounds but let's hope she picks herself up and makes a great big push to the finals. But she's got big competition in David Archuleta - all the judges loved him although he's not perfect vocally. But Syesha Mercado overcame sickness and loss of voice and she could surprise many in the finals if she stays away from the same situation. Michael Johns was terrific this could be the dark horse of American Idol although he's got too much of an Australian twang and you know guys like him have lesser chance from American voters.
Asia'H Epperson actually looked pretty good this round of auditions, sang well and really seemed like a complete package. Simon Cowell loved her and you know that's always good. At the end of it all, you get your American Idol season 7 final top 24.
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